Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Nicole's Commentary 2 September 2008

Recently, I went to meet a client at one of my favorite Wi-Fi restaurants, Cornbread and Coffee in West Oak Lane. (I also frequent Yono's Bayou Café in Logan and Kaffa Crossing in West Philadelphia) My server who has seen my weight loss over the past 2 years, commented "You have been keeping your weight off very well".
Little does he know, the world and I operate on checks and balances.
Almost 2 years ago, I purchased an
Ankh Ring from DiversePhilly's Bold Urge. While I was training for the Philadelphia Marathon, it kept falling off my ring finger so I added the ring to my middle finger. That ring has been on my middle finger for over a year - Now I can't even take it off. When the ring gets tight, I don't eat that piece of cake; when the ring gets tight, I add an extra workout to my routine. That ring keeps me in check of my fitness goals.
As I knew I would need to check on spending for my business. My first partner in business is my accounting firm,
Whole Unit Artistic Development Inc. They keep me in check of my spending habits, (I have a thing for Soles, a shoe experience. Every time I visit the store, I wind up with a new pair of shoes). They operate my business on a secure financial platform called a budget. We have an exact amount of how much income is needed to have a profitable month, profitable quarter and profitable year. When I ask for the world, which I often do, we prioritize the financial goals and analyze the decisions to help the company run smoothly. It is the conversation that keeps me in check.
What I found through my relationship with my mentor is the check I was looking for to be a better person. Like the E-Myth Revisited states "Your business is a reflection of you" - so I will improve my business by becoming a better person. As we all know, behind every great man stands a phenomenal woman and my mentor chose a truly phenomenal woman in his wife, Celia. Her beauty shows from the inside out. One of the important lessons I have learned from her is proper etiquette. As Marcet and I discussed on,
"Are You listening" Radio Show on WNWR 1540 AM, people judge you on how you look and how well you speak.
Last month at a special 2 day training, I walked in 10 minutes late. Celia questioned my tardiness; I responded to my tardiness with unkind words. To add insult to injury, I did this in front of another team member. With gracious manners, she did not get offended and said another kind word. Pastor Creflo Dollar taught me that " We create character in every choice we make". I knew immediately that I had made a bad choice but the training began. I don't remember anything about those two hours because I was constantly thinking about the incident and the bad choice I used in that situation. At the break, I went over and apologized for the poor choice of words and took full responsibility for my tardiness.
Just in that moment, I recognized the change in behavior I need to become a better person. I need to show up on time and have a greater sense of humility. The check and balance to operate a business requires relationships with people. I still have lessons to learn to become the humble, servant leader so I can serve my customers (the businesses on DiversePhilly) by providing information to get us across the digital divide and take our businesses to the next level.

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